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Ingrandisci Gift Card
Ingrandisci Gift Card
Ingrandisci Gift Card

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This content type will accept rich text to help with adding styles and links to additional pages or content. Use this to add supplementary information to help your buyers.

You can use product metafields to assign content to this tab that is unique to an individual product. Use tabs to highlight unique features, sizing information, or other sales information.

Gift Card



domanda su perchè comprare questo prodotto tipo perchjè dovresti prendere il telofono per cambiare altro etc


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nei prodotti metti solo immagini senza sfondo dove c è solo prodotto, le altre immagini le metti sotto tipo qui foto stesse dimensioni 1024x1024 o 1080x1080

i vantaggi del prodtto tipo se metto vantaggio bluetoth metto quella o altro

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Image with text

stessa cosa sopra

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immagini belle per il prodotto

Tell your brand's story through images.

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Image slide

Tell your brand's story through images.

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Use this text to share information about your brand with your customers. Describe a product, share announcements, or welcome customers to your store.

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quanto dura la batteria

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Share details about your shipping policies, item returns, or customer service.

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